Mervat amin and nour el sherif biography

Sarah el-sherif

She was born in El Minya to Mohammed Mostafa Amin, a doctor from Upper Egypt, and a Scottish mother, the headmistress of the Primary Section of the English School in Cairo (ESC).

mervat amin and nour el sherif biography

Mervat amin and nour el sherif biography

Nour El-Sherif (Arabic: نور الشريف; 28 April – 11 August ), born Mohamad .

Adel emam

Mervat Amin (Arabic: ميرفت أمين‎) (Born: November 24, ), is an Egyptian actress in El-Menya in Egypt.
Nour el sherif divorce
Mervat Amin is an Egyptian actress who received her degree from the English department at A’yn Shams University’s literature faculty.