Nuzo model vygotsky biography

Jean piaget biography

Vygotskys begreb om den nærmeste udviklingszone (NUZO) indkredser et væsentligt element i undervisningsdifferentiering og generelt i den pædagogiske tilrettelæggelse af håndholdte Missing: biography.

nuzo model vygotsky biography

Nuzo model vygotsky biography

Lev Vygotsky was a seminal Russian psychologist best known for his sociocultural theory.

Nuzo model vygotsky biography pdf

Han studerede medicin og litteratur ved universitetet i Moskva men var mest optaget af de humanistiske videnskaber.
Nuzo model vygotsky biography wikipedia
Lev Semionovich Vygotsky was a Jewish-Russian psychologist who developed the Cultural-Historical Theory (also known as the Sociocultural Theory or the Social Development Theory).